Well, you've probably already discovered it's not to hard to become an "Internet Marketer", but it's pretty damn hard to get people to find out about you. The key with Internet marketing is to build a following. The quicker you can do that the more successful you'll be. If you're like most marketers on the WWW you will find that there are roughly 1,000,000,000 strategies to drive traffice to your site, here's five quick ideas that may help you out! Hope this helps!
1) PPC, also known as pay per click. This is probably the quickest way to drive traffic to your site/product, but BE CAREFUL. It's also the most risky. What's the risk? Your money! If you don't know what you're doing you'll throw money down the drain using this strategy. How do you learn what to do, read about it, Google it, follow other Internet Marketers via the web. The key here is to get some knowledge before you jump in.
2) Content marketing. The key is unique, relevant content that is published consistently. There's no set number of articles, press releases, ebooks, etc that you need to put out. You're going to have release as many as possible to drive the traffic. You can outsourcing operations like contentdiva, needanarticle, elance, etc.
3) Social Media. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. The key here is to build a following as quickly as possible. Keep it clean, be nice, etc. These sites are like being at a party, you've got to be nice to people and help them before they're ever going to help you. Also, don't just go out there pitching your stuff. Build your reputation as someone that can really help, someone that wants to really help. Build a relationship.
4) Videos & Podcasts. These are a GREAT way to get your name, face, message, etc out on the Web. You'll need to post often so you're continually working your way up the organic rankings.
5) Email Marketing. Generally I recommend building your list and then blasting articles, press releases, blogs, etc out to your followers. You can buy lists, but there expensive and some of them you have no way of knowing if they actually opted in to receive the emails.
That's it for now, check me out at www.marketingsuccess4you.com.